Instagram Detox
I've finally uninstalled Instagram today because I hate how much time I waste on it. It's primarily reels that I waste my time on and it's genuinely just so addictive in a stupid way. I don't really ever volintarily go on reels, I just suddenly have a moment of realisation that I'm watching reels and have been for like the past 10 minutes. It's like that feeling when you're watching a really good movie or reading an imersive book and then suddenly you remember you exist in the universe. I think that's called disassociating. I've wasted hours and hours of my life watching reels and I can't help it so I just uninstalled the app. I still use it but on my laptop because I just have to use it to talk to people and I want to keep up with what my friends are posting. I'll honestly probably install it again after a while I just need to get over the reflex I have to just keep watching reels and stuff.
I deleted my Twitter account around a month ago but that was real easy because I just don't really use Twitter, it's just one of those apps I would open stuff people had sent me on there so I just deleted it because I don't like it or anything it stands for. I don't really like what any social media stand for, doubt anyone reading this does. I just wish it wasn't so hard for me to leave them because all my friends are there. I'm most active on Tumblr now, have been for a while but even then I always think about how much cooler it would be if I could interact with all these people on a forum or something.
In other news, I'm really annoyed at myself for how unproductive I've been so far this week. It's only 6pm as I type this but I've just been on and off napping all day like a loser and had to cancel an interview I was meant to be conducting because this gave me such a migrane. I was originally going to go to my studio and work all day, oh well. I think my annoyance with myself over this is one of the reasons I uninstalled Instagram because that was just more time being wasted. I know I have a lot of work to do but I just don't know what to do/am avoiding doing really tedious things I've been putting of for weeks. Why do I always do this to myself... Anyway, this changes today, I did a few annoying things I didn't want to do and I guess after I post this I'll do even more work.
I even signed up to help run a stall on Thursday and do drawings for people to raise money for my degree show next year. I'll literally hate myself so bad if I end up not doing that because I never do anything helpful like that because I'm so lazy. Aghhh, I just wish I wasn't such a loser.
I'm listening to that video of Steve Wozniak talking at Berkley right now. I watch a lot of talks like this from him and Steve Jobs and they kind of make me sad sometimes because I don't really do anything productive and those guys have done so much. I know that's a classic cringey thought to want to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and stuff but it's not a money thing, I just love making stuff and I would love to be able to make an impact and a living with stuff I make.