You are Windows 98. You are the second oldest of the windows girls. You're neither beloved nor despised, but many people still use you. You also have a box you keep with you at all times, for reasons known only to you.
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS #stevejobs #billgates or watch on youtube(off-site) heh cat steve #stevejobs
I missed the bus because i was making these #stevejobs #bill gates
list of unconvenional things i believe
cigarettes are healthier than vapes
all humans have psychic powers. astral projection, clairvoyance or remote viewing, telepathy. I think its just a skill that needs to be trained and some people are just better at it than others.
deja vu is from you seeing the future, maybe in your dreams or in a momen of dissociation.
i dont like any but i often fantasise about things i like being musicals like i had a great idea for a batman forever musical once..
favorite snack?
im really into biscuits right now but i also like eating fruit when i can afford it
have u ever been in love?
favorite pokemon?
cyndaquil and porygon
mario kart main?
dont play but i think i used to be yoshi as a kid. i like crash team racing more
tf2 main?
dont play but i had a friend who was obsessed with pyro for like a month back in high school
do you laugh at youtube poops?
honestly sometimes. once i watched one with a bunch of slurs though and i dont think ive watched one since.
are you listening to music right now?
no im listening to steve jobs the lost interview though. ive been filling the silence with a lot of steve jobs interviews and talks lately
favorite shape?
first thing that came to mind was a triangle so there. and a triangle is green
do you believe in astrology?
no but its fun. i believe in a lot of crazy stuff though
do you believe in the occult?
i dont exactly know what this means, i will google though. okay some things i guess, a lot of this shit seems racist somehow though
opinions on vocaloid?
i dont really listen to it that much anymore but ive liked it since i was a kid. my favourite is luka but i like teto the most who of course isnt a vocaloid.
15) would you ever want to be a rockstar?
i used to want to but i dont see myself as much of a musician anymore im more for visual art
do you easily get stressed?
i used to think yes but i find a lot of people im friends with get stressed so much easier than me about small things so i would say no i think im quite layed back. sometimes random pointless things get me annoyed thought but im trying to get better with that. i think annoyed and stressed are slightly different though. stuff that really effects me can stress me out easily though i dont know. im going to give the final answer of no.
what is/was your favorite class in high school?
this has got to be ICT but only when we were doing webdev class (no relation to my current love of it honestly, just really liked my teacher). my other ICT class was microsoft excel and i was just awful at it because the teacher i had for it just didnt teach me what the hell i was doing. I hated most classes i would have loved if my teachers didnt suck my passion out of it
what pokemon type would you be? dual types are allowed lol
im not sure. does it suck if i say normal? if not normal i guess psychic. if i were a pony id be a unicorn.
rei or asuka?
i dont have an opinion on this
favorite html tag?
i think it must be table... what would my site even be without the table tag...
are you religious?
no, i used to experiment with buddism and daoism when i was a young teenager, maybe just trying to find a purpose in life and a mode in which to live. i feel like i could really learn a thing or two if i ever got back into meditation and feng shui
opinions on nightcore?
i dont think i ever had a huge nightcore phase but its nice sometimes when a song just needs to be faster and i think its kind of just nostalgic now
did you go through any major phase? (emo, goth, weeaboo, etc)
i sort of had a scene phase when i was a teenager, it was very short lived and definitely doesnt fit me as a person today but i think its something that makes sense for a me of the past because a lot of it was built on old web nostalgia moreso than music and stuff
are you good at drawing?
i hope so since im an art student..! i think im okay but i have so much to learn especially with getting out of the monotomy of perfectionism and uncreativness
do you crack your joints?
yeah, my fingers, my wrists, my neck, my ankles, my toes, my back
do you read visual novels?
reading higurashi right now. my friend really wants me to read umineko. id be interested in making one someday, id probably do it through html because im a dumb loser. Ive experimented with games using html in the past
can you sew?
not super well but good enough. i used to hand sew fursuit tails
can you cook?
i guess. i dont though because its time consuming to me and i hate buying ingredients and knowing i have to use them by a certain date. i mostly eat crap like noodles, beans on toast, snacks
most expensive thing you've bought?
my current laptop, a lenovo legion 5
opinions on cosplay?
i cosplay, not super well but holding the tradition of pre internet crappy cosplays. my main one right now is edward nygma from batman forever
what's your most hated band/musician?
im not so sure i dont think about this a lot uhh i know i definitely have an answer though. let me come back to this. ok probably shit like sleep token
are you a dramatic person?
i dont think so. maybe when im drunk
what emoticon do you use most?
im not sure. i feel like ive been pretty stoic lately. I feel very excited by my work and hyperfixations a lot though.
can a miracle certainly occur?
im not sure.
would you let a vampire suck ur blood?
no i have hemophobia
do you have a celebrity crush?
im not sure if he counts as a celebrity in the traditional sense but steve jobs. i think hes super hot and i like his computers and his attitude
do you like snow?
no i used to have a lot of meltdowns from being in the snow. i liked when it meant i had no school though
were you really into greek mythology as a kid?
what are some things you could competently deliver a speech on?
the riddler, the creation of the macintosh, windows 95 and internet explorer in the 90s, mike patton
are you good at spelling?
i dont think so, i definitely have to check a lot of word. i dont use spell check or anything like grammerly though because i believe they make you worse at spelling and typing
which touhou wud u fuk?
i have no opinion on this
do you think there's going to be a robot takeover?
not really. i listened to steve wozniak talk about this a couple days ago and he said something that solidified my opinion on this. computers and robots cant exist without humans, they cant reproduce, the worse that could happen is that we become like their pets maybe. i think robots like us as their creators
maybe, it turned me into a man
would you be an angel or devil?
maybe an angel because i feel like i dont try to be a people pleaser if that even makes sense haha
sine, cosine, or tangent?
is this maths? i didnt learn maths in english
do you like licorice?
no i dont like candy
whats one thing you cant stand that everyone else loves?
a lot of things, people think i hate too many things but im just picky. in my household this would be Gotham TV show
what books did you like as a kid?
i used to read a series called beast quest. dont remember a thing about it
can you play any instruments?
ive on and off played guitar for 10 years but currently more focused on bass
what song would you want to play at your wedding?
im not sure, it would probably be She’s The Prettiest Girl at the Party, and She Can Prove It With a Solid Right Hook by frank iero
do you believe in reincarnation?
no when i die i want to stop existing, the idea of existing for forever is horrible
finish the sentence: I'm just a guy who ______
have you been to another continent?
yes ive been to america and africa technically
whats your worst habit?
probably wasting time like doing this
favorite vegetable?
this is hard! ill say potato. i like fruit more
whats something stupid that scared the shit outta you as a kid?
whats one of your guilty pleasures?
hm i guess either smoking or drinking, first will come drinking and naturely then i want to smoke
would you rather be a ghost or a vampire?
neither but i guess a vampire. being a ghost feels too between the physical and non physical plains
what do you fear most?
disapointing my mother
do you sleep with any plushies?
i sleep with my computer
what hobby do you just not understand?
probably a lot, there is much i dont know
do you like the taste of alcohol?
yeah my favourite is beer
are you a hopeless romantic?
i need to google what this means. no i am not
which deadly sin best fits you?
probably sloth im very lazy
which of your physical features do you like the most?
ermmm my eyes maybe even though I have a lazy eye and one of my eyelids are more closed than the other
are your ears pierced?
yeah and the top of my left year. also have a labret and an eyebrow piercing
have you ever been in a physical fight?
ive hit people and been hit but not a fight
where do you buy your clothes?
i get most of my basic outfit pieces from charity shops and more specific things like shoes and particular tshirt or whatever from vinted, sometimes ebay. i rarely buy stuff that isnt second hand
where would you live if you could live anywhere?
probably london because i want to live in a city forever and london is the biggest city i feel like i wouldnt feel like too much of an outsider in
do believe in magic? or is it all a trick?
i believe in science and some psudo science that might look like magic
have you read umineko when they cry? you should!
this question is funny because my friend keeps telling me to read it and im in the middle of higurashi right now
what is the worst chore to do?
cleaning up after other people especially when u do it so much that they dont even think about doing it anymore
what did your parents almost name you?
what would you want your name to be if you were not your current gender?
if i were a girl maybe id name myself umm lemme come back to this
what were your first words?
not sure
what do you want your last words to be?
i dont think i care
when did you first regularly start going online?
i didnt get the internet until i was around 11 so then
what year do you miss the most?
i like the current year the most
are you psychic?
yes but i think everyone is. its a skill to be trained though and im just naturally not very good at stuff like that no matter how hard i try
would you fuck a clone of yourself? you're not allowed to kill yourself.
sure, id like to talk to myself more though
what do you use to listen to music?
spotify, i know, embarrassing. i want to get an ipod though (but i have nothing that runs itunes)
whats the biggest city you've been to?
london i think
favorite animal?
chicks, ducklings, platypuses and mudskippers
what web browser do you use?
are you allergic to kitty cats???????????
i used to think i was
do you like energy drinks?
i used to drink one nearly everyday but now im very sensitive to caffeine so i quit it completely 4 months ago
would ever spend money on tf2 unusuals/csgo skins/gacha pulls/etc
probably for something i like a lot
when do you usually go to bed?
lately: 5am
how often do you wash your hair?
every 2 to 3 days depending on if im going out
would you download a car?
no i cant drive and hate cars
what was your favorite show as a kid?
whats the silliest hat you own?
propeller hat
what album/song do you're feeling angsty
do you make OCs?
not really anymore
whats the goofiest thing you do when completely alone?
uhh pick my nose?
do you like fireworks?
favorite painter?
allan lee
favorite numbers?
23, 70
what genre of vidya gaems are you really good at? (fps, fightan, danmaku, racing, whatever)
time and date you finished this?
02:38 14/12/24
made a list of my hyperfixations this year..
January: Riddler, Batman Forever.
February: Riddler, Batman Forever, Movie World.
March: Riddler, Batman Forever, MLP, Webkinz.
April: Batman Forever, Smiling Friends, Webkinz.
May: Batman Forever, Ranfren, Pokemon, Star Trek.
June: Mr. Bungle, Batman Forever, Vintage Computers, Pokemon, Movie World.
July: Batman Forever, Webdev, Vintage Computers.
August: Batman Forever, Stargate, Webdev, vintage computers.
September: Batman Forever, Webdev, Vintage computers, MLP.
October: Mr Bungle, Batman Forever, Azrael.
November: Microapple, Batman Forever, Superman, Vintage Computers.
December: Microapple, webdev, vintage computers.
pic i drew
i made this
#stevejobs #billgates
MLP Tribute to Steve Jobs and Apple (off-site)
or watch on youtube (off-site)
#stevejobs #billgates
wait why is iSteve like actually the movie of the summer.. watch it here (off-site)
i wrote a microapple smut fic but u gotta email me for the link cuz its smut. if youre reading this from the future and i am dead dont worry its online somewhere. it will not die with me
#stevejobs #billgates
pauny steve.............. do u agree he would be a pegasus
natureally the next best thing to do now is to introduce them to ed nygma.. steve is always mad as fuck and bill is always gaming. they have a roommate that steve is constantly writting bad stuff about in his diary.
I'm so mad rn.. i only got 12% on the bill gates purity test.. (off-site) Probably doesnt help i didnt even exist when this was created and a lot of the questions can only really be true if you existed back then.. the form is broke so uhh calculate that urself. anyway here is my bill gates percentage ^-^