

did you know bill gates got creampied?

"His idea was to "creampie" celebrities who looked too serious, in order to reintroduce a bit of fanciness in all that seriousness.
While I think he made a couple funny stunts, the one with Bill Gates was a bit overzealous and not that funny.
He started to "creampie" local celebrities with a reputation of being a bit ... self lauding."

-some schmuck on quora

I never found Bill to be all that serious (evidenced in gif above)

The quote is about Noël Godin, l'Entarteur, a notorious Belgian pie thrower. After throwing the pie at Gates he apparently said "My work is done here." I believe the last person he ever pied was in 2007, some French hip hop musician. I feel like nothing can top pieing Bill in the iconic year of 1997 though! A non-violent tarte classique.

apparently he said it wasnt even that tasty. Steve Wozkiak has actually mentioned it on his blog though.

link to the game