

Baby you're a firework

I've had a lot of free time this week, yay. I sort of wish I spent more of that time working on art and this site but I've kinda just been chillin' and catching up on a bunch of TV shows and movies I've wanted to watch. I've been watching a bunch of cartoons and stuff, MLP, The Real Ghostbusters, 60's Batman. I love Ghostbusters so much, I kin Venkman. I finally watched the 70s Superman movie too and it was really funny, I enjoyed it. I decided I should finally start watching the DCEU movies since I liked the Superman movie but Man of Steel kinda sucked. I'll just paste in my review right below (spoiler warning) if you care to know what I think:

I don't really like this Superman origin, the stuff where he's a kid I like but after that it feels like there's no difference between Clark Kent and Superman. I think a big thing I didn't care for also is how involved Lois Lane is with the Superman stuff, I kinda wish she knew him as Clark first in the Daily Planet office.

The ending is pretty epic and I like the whole plot with Zod. But otherwise this was pretty boring, especially aesthetically. Not too surprised since its a movie made by Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan though. I like '78 more.

I got my Nebido shot on Tuesday, it was horrible. The receptionist booked me in for the wrong day so I showed up without an appointment and I was about to start freaking out but a receptionist there managed to squeeze me in quickly right then. I had to get blood done before the shot but I hadn't drank or eaten anything that morning so the nurse struggled to get blood out so it took forever of wiggling around in my arm for a vein. She had to try my other arm and when it was finally done I was about to throw up so I layed down for a while... And then the shot hurt so bad I couldn't help but to keep moving my hip away. My ass still hurts so much. Don't have another one until January now.

I'm really obsessed with Epic Rap Battles of History right now, my boyfriend got me back into it. My favourites (in this order) are: Ghostbusters vs Mythbusters, Scrooge vs Trump, and Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs.

I've gotten a lot better at not being a people pleaser recently. I have been getting better at that slowly since last year now but some recent events have really trialed me on that one. I'm so zen.

Oh, I also watched fireworks with my friends for Bonfire Night. It was a very cold and long wait but it was free and I like hanging out with my friends.