Welcome. The purpose of this website is to archive my thoughts, creations and collections. This pretty much means I make pages about anything I like.
I think that people are very interesting but only when they're authentic. Do I think I'm interesting? Yes. I don't mean to sound like a narcissit though because I think you are too. The fact that you were curious enough to stumple into this site shows that you too find people interesting. I share everything that's here on this site to add to the intrigue of the internet, especially in a time where basically all genuine interaction with others has been tainted by algorthims and corporations. Be amazed at how weird or boring I am, you've found a very genuine place here and I hope you have fun. Please feel free to email me if you see any mistakes or bugs in the site and also if you just want to talk about anything! I really like to have penpals so lets talk!