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Batman Forever and NebidoNo way did I watch motherfucking Batman Forever in cinema yesterday. Bro... I was shaking so hard when the intro began like as soon as that Warner Bros. logo turned into the Batman Forever logo I was literally abt to fly out of my seat. This was my first time ever seeing it in cinema it was CRAZY!! I literally can not get over how great the quality was... I need to get the movie on 4K so bad because I wanted to look at so many more details for longer but you can't really ask the projector opperator to pause the film... The quality was so good I could see a bead of sweat forming on Ed's forehead in the part where he's about to answer Bruce's riddle. I noticed a lot more random background stuff too! Random background characters and stuff. I never noticed Stickley in the background of the scene where Bruce and Edward are talking towards the end of the Wayne Enterprises scene where he's setting The Box back down on Edward's desk or something. I love you, Stickley. ![]() Also, I've been stressing about picking up my Nebido perscription because I need it by Tuesday and I only cashed in the perscription yesterday, knowing no where will have it and have to order it in. It arrived at my pharmacy today and I had no idea it closes at 2pm on a Satuday so, of course, I get there literally a few minutes after they close so I can't pick it up... Had no idea Nebido is injected into your butt also so that's nice. I've been stressing in general about starting a new medication for HRT because I'm scared it will mess my levels up plus needles are scary. I heard Nebido is really thick and takes a long time to inject. I'm sure everything will go swimmingly though. That's a random piture of stuff I own in the fridge also, thought it looked funny, they look like a boy band. I've started working on a little visual novel type thing that I'll be posting on my website when it's done (or at a point I'm happy to move on to making a better game). I'm doing it for the Suck At Something September challenge so, thank you, MelonLand, for getting me to start this project I've been vaguely imagining for a while. It's pretty rushed so far because I want to have it done for the deadline but if I have time before the deadline I might refine it a little/make it more interesting then. Ultimately this is just to test out making a game and if it works I'll probably make another better one after I get some criticism. Might post a WIP version someday soon if it gets to a point I'm happy to share? I want it to have at least 2 endings. I feel like if I had more time I could get the different routes to have complete different things happen and different scenes but like I said, don't want to bite off more than I can chew for now. I just got back from Tesco I stole some wasabi packets and bought soup and doritos. Thanks for reading. |