
Idiot Bug

Today I remembered how bad I am at talking to people other than my close friends.I feel like I just say stuff and it never comes out as a comprehesive thought and whoever I'm trying to talk to is just like (._.). I don't know why because when I type things I have to reread it like 5 times to check what I'm saying makes sense or if I'm talking I rethink what I'm going to say over and over but maybe that makes it worse? IDK I just hope any readers know that I recognise I make no sense.

Instagram removed the audio on my caipirinha animation so I just replaced it with Squeeze Me Macaroni by Mr Bungle...

Oh, today I remembered that I'm allowed to make bad art for fun and I make art for fun anyway and improving means making bad art, bla, bla, bla. I've been a little stressed about the prospect of making art where I'm actually trying lately because I feel so cringe when I try to make something and then it looks awful but I feel kind of assured now. I miss a couple months ago when I would just sit down and make an amazing sketch for a drawing but I always go through the cycle of great artist to awful artist. I guess as long as what I'm making is interesting in some how even if it technically sucks is fine because who actually cares about art that looks impressive but is actually very boring or basic. IDK again I'm just rambling. This is probably me just trying to defend the right of bad art to exist and be enjoyable even though I know artists for the most part agree with this opinion. Yah, idk, look at my cringe Batman yaoi and character explorations through art.

I had a cool idea today that I would probably never actually do because it would take up too much of my time/I don't think enough people would atually care or partake. In my Edward Nygma shrine there is a fake NygmaTech website page as I talked about in my last blog and there's a bit on there that's like 'ohh were hiring' and like... it would be so cool if that linked to a form to join some kind of Batman Forever webring? Again I think, who would even join this except me and like 3 other people? And I just don't have the time. I guess I could make something people could add to their websites/bios for Tumblr or some other social. IDK I love thinking of stupid ideas. In concept, pretty cool thought, huh?

I threw another spider outside today. There's also a spider that lives in the corner of my room but I keep him here because he kills all the granny greys that crawl into my bedroom. I don't really understand what my mind comprehends as a scary spider and a not so scary spider. Bug I can not be faced with is a crane fly. I feel like they tortured me in my youth and I hold that baggage still today. They're scary like a spider but then also look like a mosquito and are so big and can fly. I'll never forget when my father just wouldn't get rid of the one in my bedroom when I was a kid so I just slept under my blanket sweating to death while I could hear it banging around the room then occasional silence after it would land on some surface for a while. Now I'm a little braver though and armed with hair spray.