

Hmm, I'm slowly growing anxious about not having crazy changes on T yet. I joined some trans subreddits to get me hyped about it but I keep getting frustrated when I see guys on T for like a month that have insane changes. It's been over 3 weeks for me and I just feel the same. I can't tell if my voice has dropped a little or I'm just making stuff up. I'm scared I'm doing something wrong even though I'm doing everything I was told to do. I think I'm just paranoid, it hasn't been that long. I hope next time I see someone I haven't seen in a while they're like "Wow, you've changed so much". Only other thing I'm noticing a lot is how bad I sweat and smell now which sucks. I recognise I'm complaining so bad when I'm really privilaged to have Testogel but I just feel like craaap.