
Blood Tests Part 2

Well I booked my blood test today and it was so annoying. I called and after being on hold for like 10 minutes I had this conversation after giving my details pretty much:

Me: Hi, I want to book a blood test.
Receptionist: Hmm, I don't see any requests for a blood test on your file.
Me: Oh, yeah. I have the forms with me to bring in.
Receptionist: What do the forms say?
Me: (Starts reading random things on my blood test forms because I don't know what she wants to hear.)
Receptionist: Hmm, what dates on the forms?
Me: ...June 20th?
Receptionist: Hmm... I can't find any early enough for that.
Me: (??) Oh I just need it before August 25th.
Receptionist: Why?
Me: ...Because I have an appointment then.
Receptionist: With who?
Me: Another medical place.
Receptionist: Okay so I'll just write down you're changing GP-
Me: No no no, I just need blood tests for them.
Receptionist: Okay, I'll just book you in for this day and say it's for this medical practice.
Me: (le face palm... Why couldn't you just ask me these questions from the start...) Thx :)

It was so annoying I thought I wasn't going to be able to get an appointment.

I thought a lot about how bad I am at sleeping again today because I always fall asleep at like 8am because I'm so fixated on a specific task. I'm not sure if that falls under insomnia or what.