

Holy fucking shit, have things happened since my last blog post. Man, I've told this story a million times now but I will ease you into it. If you didn't know, my favourite band is Mr Bungle; has been since I was around 15-16. I saw Mr Bungle live this year and it was totally amazing. Briefly spoke to Dave Lombardo, got super close to Trey Spruance. This was my first time ever seeing them live after being such a huge fan for forever. Me and my friends got tickets to see the bass player of the band, Trevor Dunn, my favourite member, live in Birmingham along with Buzz Osborne of the Melvins.

The gig was fucking awesome! The opening act was amazing and then when Buzzo and Trevor played I never wanted it to end... It was one of those shows where you don't realise how much time has passed and then it just suddenly ends and you're like "...What? I swear it's only been 10 minutes...". Here's were the juice of the story lays... Me and my friends decided to wait outside the venue for a while to get a chance to meet Buzzo and Trevor. There were a bunch of drunk Melvins fanboys messing around outside which I think probably scared off Buzz. It was real cold and I was getting anxious so I thinking we should probably leave soon because I felt bad keeping everyone waiting when I noticed the guy that manned the merch stall leave and then... Trevor Dunn was standing there in the doorway picking up his backpack!

My throat went so tight and I just mumbled his name to get everyones attention, I don't think they even believed me for a second. We all awkwardly and slowly just started walking up to him and I had this stupid smile on my face. He was standing against the wall chewing on a toothpick and I casually said "Hey, Trevor!". I was so nonchalant... I told him how great the show was, gave my piece about how big a fan I am, told him some of my favourite projects he worked on and he thanked me for the support. Again, I started smiling like an idiot. I asked if I could get a picture with him and apologied for the annoying request then he pulled his phone out and asked if we could all get a picture together instead. We were in selfie mode and he sent me picture to me. We continued to have a nice conversation, it just felt like he was a normal guy. He said we all looked like we were in a band and we joked about opening for him. Oh also: He likes my hair!! After a while he said he was gonna go get some pizza and I watched this guy speedwalk across the road and enter Brum's Finest. He got a small margarita and it was mid, he told me later... Literally the best day of my life!

I had a generally good time at Birmingham too. I got super drunk the day before the gig but I am strong. I've been listening to a lot of new music lately now too, I'm trying to get into more jazz. Right now I'm really really into MadLove which are like an alt rock band Trevor is in, sadly only one album but I recommend.