
Why I Hate TestoGel and Cooking

This is my first blog entry so I'm not really sure how to go about this yet. Just bought hella tons of food and am trying to protein max because I've been living on noodles for like a year and a half and now that I've started T I'm hungry as fuck.

I started T like 2 weeks ago tomorrow, not a lot of changes yet except my voice is a little sore and it broke once plus a lot of bottom growth (yeah, kinda TMI but idc). I'm really excited about it though, it makes the passage of time a little less anxiety inducing. I'm on TestoGel right now and it's kinda annoying, I can't wait to move onto shots. I also do it at 6pm everyday instead of the morning or something and it's so inconvenient. I think today I finally figured out the best location and method of applying it though so that is epic. And did I mention that the alarm song I use to remind me to take my T is Over The Horizon by SUGA Of BTS.

Anyway, I bought a ton of fish and veg then hella baked beans so I hate only having ingredients. I hate cooking so bad, it feels like such a waste of time. I'll cook for like an hour and a half to then eat a gross meal within 10 minutes and then I have to clean everything and wash the dishes... Oh, and it costs so much money to buy ingredients... I know it's kind of a repulsive trait to not cook but I feel like it in total adds 10 years to my life by not cooking and eating instant noodles or something.

Also, I had so much fun going to the shop and exploring, I haven't shopped for food properly in forever.