
So Scared!

Unghh, today was crazy. I went to my mother's house with my boyfriend for a couple of hours which was nice then we hung around my home town for a couple hours and I just randomly had that horrible vision zooming out feeling of a panic attack and I was freaking out and breathing so fast. I left the shop we were in and just sat outside and after a few minutes I was like "Okay, I'm fine." and then again when we waited for the bus I started getting freaked out again and it just continued like this literally until I got home and even then I still had a second of losing my breath and freaking for a second while I was sitting on my sofa. It got so bad that at a couple of points while we were on the train I literally felt like I was on the verge of vomiting and passing out. I think I just need to learn how to cope with it better so I'm not freaking out for literally hours at a time when it happens. If this happens again though I'm going to call the healthline number. The whole time I just constantly think I'm going to die or have a heart attack even though I'm not experiencing any pain, just a numb arm and a little sick feeling. I hope this isn't just a thing I have to deal with forever now because it completely uproots my day when it happens.

Guys, I love... that deleted scene of Ed in the U2 music video... I need to rewatch the U2 music video... I finally watched Stargate also and Daniel Jackson is sooo cute. I want to rewatch it already using 100% of my brain and I also want to draw epic fanart.

Tomorrow I'm going shopping because this brand of bootleg gloomy bears has released a TwoFace bear and it's literally a Batman Forever reference because the lore of the bear is that he died in October, 1995. He looks a lot more inspired by BTAS TwoFace but IDC because I love BTAS TwoFace. Yay.