
Catz n Shit

I'm at my boyfriend's hometown for the next couple of days. There are cats here, Kiedis and Muse. Muse is a sweety and Kiedis is an old man, I think he has a missing tooth. They're just random cats from the neighbourhood that come around to the garden every now and then. They're chill AF. We had salmon and pasta for dinner. It was very good.

I haven't cleaned my laptop fans yet still. I couldn't get the back off of the laptop and I had to order pry tools but the tools only came yesterday evening and now I'm not home so... I did spray it a little through the case though and some dust got dislodged. Can't wait to get it totally cleaned though.

I've updated my website so much in the past few days. Got a comics page, Flights Rising page, clothes page, another shrine. I'M ADDICTED TO CODING.

I'm like an hour into an MLP blind bag video right now, might put MLP on to fall asleep to. It's like 4am and I can't sleep. Had a pretty bad panic attack today also. I need to stop drinking coffee so bad it just ruins my vibe.

I was thinking about trains a lot earlier because I was on a train. I love when trains have pointy noses. I feel like I could get really into trains, I've thought this for years. Same with planes.