
New Blawg Look

I FINISHED SEASON 1 OF STARGATE SG-1 YESTERDAY NIGHT...! And I watched the first episode of season 2 just to conclude the storyline and it was so good. I've been rating each episode as I've been watching them and caluclated the average rating of this season to be 3.7 stars out of 5 with a most common episode rating of 4 stars. I think a lot of the episodes just before the 4 part finale were getting a little boring just in build up for the epicness of episode 20. #ILoveDanielJackson

I've spent the past 3 days pretty much home alone with my boyfriend since my housemates have been away. We've been watching slop on TV like Jack Skellington goes to Chickfila drive-thru on YouTube and some Young Sheldon. One of my friends is home now and got me a vintage computing magazine from 1987 and I want to scan some pages so bad. There's a lot of really nice illustrations and a lot of ads that are just cats sitting with computers and stuff.

Can't remember if I said I got tickets to another Comic Con in October. I got a whole weekend ticket. I'm thinking on Saturday I cosplay Ed again then on Sunday I cosplay Daniel Jackson if I end up making the costume in time. I want to make it based on his outfit in the movie so I just need a green jacket and trousers then 2 patches to add to the jacket then I'd also like a Ra necklace to go with it. I honestly should finish my fursuit head in time for the con but I'm afraid to continue working on it incase I mess it up.

Also, new blog design! Hope you like. Might make it a thing every time I update how my blog looks I also keep the old design on here because that's cool. Going to be putting little drawings and pictures on the side because that's fun.