
Comic Con and Rambling

Waow, I went to Comic Con yesterday and it was so fun. I woke up at like 5am and got home in the middle of the night. I didn't buy as much stuff as I thought but there also wasn't a ton of merch for stuff I really like. I got a Frankenhooker poster and a BTAS Riddler figure. And a Gotham Penguin poster for my friend. I didn't get recognised a ton but I didn't really expect to. I got a picture with another Riddler cosplayer which is cool. He said he likes Batman Returns more than Batman Forever.

We were gonna try to get Sean Pertwee to sign something but he cancelled to go on holiday... I got pretty drunk at the after party and made friends with a guy cosplaying Red Hood and also talked a lot to a Poison Ivy cosplayer. OH and also I saw Sean Astin and Giancarlo Esposito in the flesh but I didn't talk to them because it was so busy. Someone thought I was cosplaying Scully from X Files and commented that on a picture I posted. Kind of rude but whatever... I might add a bunch of my cosplay pictures to a page and link it here but I don't know when I can be assed to do that. Maybe I'll link it on my shrine IDK

Other than Comic Con, I've gotten super into Stargate now like hyperfixating bad but I'm struggling to find the TV show anywhere. Might order the DVDs on Ebay for cheap. I watched the movie for a 3rd time just now, yay. I now have a part of my wall covered in Edward Nygma pictures too. I want to get more. I'm annoyed at myself because I haven't made a finished piece of art or worked on coding projects in a while. I kind of want to make a Daniel Jackson one but I don't know if I should get my Mike Patton shrine in a postable state first or just keep working on my Edward Nygma shrine. I'm also tempted to start a general Batman Forever shrine that's 100% factual and no headcanon content. IDK I have too many ideas and am not working on any of these ideas. Definitely want to draw more Stargate fan art. Okay, am I crazy or isn't Daniel Jackson x Jack O'Neil a great ship...? All the fanficitons I see tagged for that pairing are for the TV show hence why I haven't ventured there so I can't tell if it's a niche ship or not with people that have only seen the movies.

I guess I'll also give a panic attack update: I haven't had once since. Stopped drinking things with caffeine in them except for yesterday night but in the day of yesterday I did suddenly get pretty anxious and think a panic attack was coming at one point. I feel like I get many moments where I suddenly feel so anxious and can't even think and just zone out recently which is weird because I never used to get that randomly for no reason. Anyway I'm so hungry so I'm gonna leave it at that, bye.