

Had a doctor appointment a couple hours ago. My testosterone levels are perfect so I got booked in to start getting shots instead of testogel on the 10th of September! I'm really surprised by how quickly this has all moved along. My doctor also said I was lucky to be seeing changes only 2 months. I've noticed my thighs are starting to get a little hairier in the past week and I still get an occasional fry in my voice when I speak loudly but my voice is pretty much the same. I want to start voice training more consistently. I really hate testogel because it's so inconvenient and I hate having to take time out of every single day to do it so I can't wait to be done with it. I'm not great with shots at all but they'll only be every 6 weeks and I'll get used to them, same with my blood tests. I also found out I'll have to change GPs because my current one doesn't do testosterone shots. I'm traveling to another practice to get the first few done but it'll be a lot easier after I get that stuff sorted out.

I'm starting to get really into MLP again. Here is my mane six favourite to least favourite:

  1. Twilight Sparkle
  2. Pinky Pie
  3. Fluttershy
  4. Rarity
  5. Apple Jack
  6. Rainbow Dash

I would say Pinky Pie and Fluttershy swap places a lot though. I got some ponies from a charity shop yesterday and I'll probably customise them. One of them is really cute though. She's blue with light blue hair and her cutie mark is a dark blue star. Her hair is really matted though so I'll probably have to replace her hair unless I can fix it somehow. When I was out also I went to a comic book stall. They had all the issues of Zero Year, a couple Detective Comics annuals, lots of figures and some horror movie magazines.

Oh, I also tried Indian takeaway for the first time yesterday it was very good, I want more.