

I got my blood drawn again today. My veins suck for drawing blood so I got stabbed in both arms. While I was out I got myself a new shirt, a copy of Batman Forever on DVD that I don't own yet and cookies. The train rides felt so long. I got an email on my neocities email today! First piece of mail, so exciting. Really makes the internet feel alive.

I'm really into ASCII art right now. I want to make stuff that looks really good but that's kind of hard when I'm experimenting at the same time. I've been using MS Paint a lot which is fun but, man, is it annoying sometimes. I accidentally deleted a whole drawing the other day because I accidentally dragged another jpeg onto it when I meant to paste it in. I wish I could just sit down and be like "Today I will make an epic drawing!" then do that but I find when I try to make something I know will look good in the end I'm not playing enough with different techniques I want to experiment with but then when I sit there to experiment everything I makes a little weird because it's just me messing around. I also really want to make a lot more webpages. I added a clothes page today but I haven't added everything I want to add yet and I also want to make a page with album reviews and one for movie reviews. I just want to fill up my personal page more which I've been meaning to do since like the middle of last month.

Please, listen to The Age of Plastic if you haven't already. I'm super obsessed with that album right now. It's such a great computer-lover album.

I tried cleaning my computer with compressed air today for the first time ever. I wasn't really thinking and accidentally sprayed the liquid contents of it all over my hand, it was very cold. I've been freaking out over the mortality of my computer a lot recently (I do this at least once a year) so tomorrow I'm going to take the back off of it and give it a good deep dedusting on the fans and such. I cleaned all the external parts today but I want to go over the keyboard again with compressed air.

I think that's all I have to say. Thanks for reading.